Spring Detox – Yoga & Nutrition

Hello everyone, I have very exciting news! I am going to partner with Luc Tranchet to offer a cycle of 4 Yoga & Nutrition workshops inspired by the 4 seasons, their energy and the way the influence our body and mind. At the beginning of each season, Luc will guide us through a yoga practice….

All you need to know about spirulina

Maca, spirulina, baobab, açaí, moringa, lucuma… These exotic names might sound familiar to you if you are interested in nutrition. With so many products flooding the markets and our shelves, it is sometimes difficult to understand what os the hype with these ingredients and how to integrate them to a healthy diet. That’s why I…

Opening of my nutrition therapist practice

I have great news to share with you in this new year! After 3 years studying, I finally reached the stage that I have been waiting for since I started my professional retraining: I opened my nutrition therapist practice at Foound at the end of the year 2018. Thank you to all those who supported me…

Review: Biotta Wellness Week

Hi everyone! I hope you had a great holiday season. Despite the fact that I am a nutrition consultant and my diet is globally balanced, I am no exception: I have been over-indulging in treats. As a result, I ended up feeling of heavy and congested. For the past three or four years, I have…

Fibromyalgia and Nutrition, part 1

Hi everyone, I have recently completed a nutrition certification, for which I have written a thesis about fibromyalgia. Because good nutrition habits can help people with this condition to improve their well-being, I have decided to share the content of my thesis with you. Summary Fibromyalgia is a syndrome with unknown etiology, characterized by diffuse…

Salad dressings

Adopting healthier eating habits does not necessary involve high expenses. Yes, fresh products from organic farming are more expensive than their non-organic counterparts. But have you thought of substituting some common processed foods with raw ingredients? Indeed, good quality raw food is necessarily cheaper than products that required several refining operations, as these involve more transport,…

All you need to know about sugar and sweeteners

In recent years, the society experienced a demonisation of sugar, with a bloom on the market of more or less natural alternatives, supposed to be better for health. Agave syrup, stevia, rapadura, xylitol, fructose, honey… Food industry is vaunting the merits of all these products, and people can see them everywhere: in organic stores, supermarkets, in healthy…

Candidiasis, part 2: the Candida diet

As the Candida feeds mainly on sugar, it is necessary to follow a strict diet for beating the overgrowth. It is a long process and it can be difficult for people with very different eating habits from the Candida diet. However, follow the diet is essential to the healing process,as antifungal drugs have only a localized and transient…

Candidiasis, part 1: definition,symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

What are the Candida and the candidiasis? A candidiasis is a yeast-like fungus. In humans, the Candida albicans species is the most commonly encountered. It is naturally present in the intestine and vagina, and is normally harmless: in a healthy body, its multiplication is controlled by the bacterial balance. But when this balance is disrupt, Candida proliferates and becomes…

How not to succumb to foods high in sugar and fat ?

You know what foods are good or bad for your body, and you are determined to stay away from the bad ones. Unfortunately, you have the impression that the foods you wish to eliminate from your diet are everywhere once you resolve to stay away from them… If you recognize yourself in this description, follow my tips…

All you need to know about oil

Vegetable oils are present in any kitchen. They are used daily for seasoning or cooking. What are the nutritional benefits of different oils? How to combine them in a balanced way? You will find in this article a description of the properties for each type of oil, as well as tips for everyday use.